November, 2006
This website posts information about programs that cover and provide
funding for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, also known as
“speech generating devices” (SGDs). SGDs are essential tools to help
people with severe communication disabilities meet their daily
communication needs. They have been described as
"vital" by federal
judges, and "priceless" by their users.
People with very different backgrounds and wide
range of experience need information about SGD funding. This web
page will help SLPs, advocates, people with severe disabilities and
their family members, funding program staff, and decision makers. It
is designed to be of benefit to those who are confronting SGD
funding questions for the first time, as well as those with prior
funding experience. AACFUNDINGHELP.COM provides information useful
to each of these diverse populations interested in SGD funding.
AACFUNDINGHELP.COM will be updated regularly
to include new information and analyses about SGD funding.
divided into four substantive areas:
SGD Funding Fast Facts
the most general information about
SGD funding. This information will be useful for anyone who is
considering SGD funding for the first time. |
This includes information about the need and demand for SGDs; SGD
costs to funding programs; history of SGD funding; SGD coverage
vocabulary; and why SGDs are medically necessary. |
SGD Funding Programs
information about the largest public
and private third party benefits programs
that cover and provide funding for SGDs. The programs
described here are the most important funding sources for SGDs. |
They include health based programs
(Medicare; state Medicaid programs; Tricare; insurance; Dept. of
Veterans Affairs); education programs; vocational rehabilitation
programs; and telecommunications equipment distribution
programs. |
AAC Report Coach
offers SLPs a unique tool to guide them through the process of writing a
funding report to support an SGD recommendation. The AAC
Report Coach was developed by Pam Mathy, Ph.D., Clinical
Dir., |
State University. The AAC Report Coach should be used
after the SLP has conducted a complete SLP and AAC assessment, as
outlined in the Medicare RMRP,
using the procedures outlined in the
Protocol. These are the
three key tools SLPs will need to generate and present complete information to
support SGD funding. |
AAC Funding General Resources
posts information useful to
support funding by any funding
source. Letters from the AMA,
American Academy of Neurology and American
Academy of Physical Medicine & |
Rehabilitation acknowledging the effectiveness and medical need of SGDs
will be found here. Information about “coding” of SGDs and
current “fee schedules” also will be found here. |
By using the aacfundinghelp.com website, the
user understands and agrees that the information provided is
intended for educational purposes only. Use of this information does
not create a consulting relationship or a provider-patient or
attorney-client relationship. This website
is intended to provide general information about health-related
matters and is not intended to create a practice of medicine or
provide individual legal advice. Information posted on the website
is subject to ongoing review, revision and update. The user should check the website for the
most current version of any information. The user is also solely
responsible for validation against other resources and for the
decision to use the information.
The Assistive Technology Law Center, Duke University, Duke
University Health System, Duke University Medical Center, the
Division of Speech Pathology and Audiology, and all associated
employees, staff, and providers accept no liability for the use of
information from this website. |
© 2006-2012 aacfundinghelp.com | Site by Netpore |